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Gospel Text Mission
64 Linwood Street
London, Ontario N5Y 1W2
Phone: (519) 455-5287
Toll Free: 1-866-789-0230


Gospel Text Publishers better known as Gospel Text Mission was incorporated in 1950, as a non-affiliated, non–profit registered charity designed for the purpose of spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ through the medium of outdoor signage. The Mission is supported by donations from individuals and evangelical groups and churches. 

These Gospel signs are available in various sizes, designs, and materials. The texts used are direct quotations from the Word of God and currently are in English, French, and Spanish. 

Gospel Signs are unique “silent missionaries” witnessing to the grace of God in salvation as they proclaim the good news from varied locations: homes, farms, churches, businesses, and along busy highways. To those who pass by all day long and in every kind of weather, they announce God’s offer of hope through faith in Christ to helpless mankind.

"Holding forth the Word of Life" Philippians 2:16