Signs are light weight corrugated plastic. Silk-screened text on gold/brown open face Bible. Different texts printed on two sides. Six choices available in English, French and 4 texts in Spanish. Ideal for windows, walls, classrooms, portable for travel, mission trips and gifts. Fit into luggage. 

Available for a donation of $5.00 each. 


1-E Christ Died for our sins 1 Cor. 15:3
Be sure your sin will find you out. Num. 32:23

2-E Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved. Acts 16:31
By grace are ye saved through faith...not of works. Eph. 2:8-9

3-E The wages of sin is death Rom. 6:23a
The gift of God is eternal life through Jesus. Rom. 6:23b

4-E God be merciful to me a sinner. Luke 18:13
God sent not His son into the world to condemn the world but
that the world might be saved. John 3:17

5-E Seek the Lord and ye shall live. Amos 5:6
Prepare to meet thy God. Amos 4:12

6-E Jesus said, I am the way the truth and the life. John 14:6
Without faith it is impossible to please God. Heb. 11:6 


2-F C'est par la grace que vous etes sauves By grace are ye saved. Eph.2:8
Christ est mort pour nos peches Christ died for our sins I Cor. 15:3

3-F Voici maintenant le jour du salut. Behold now is the day of Salvation 2Cor. 6:2
Apres la mort vient le jugement. Remember after death the judgment Heb.9:27

4-F IL faut que vous naissiez de nouveau. Ye must be born again. John 3:7
Le don gratuit de Dieu c'est la vie eternelle The gift of God is eternal life.Rom.6:23b

5-F Cherchez le seigneur pendant qu'il se trouve Seek ye the Lord while he may be
found Isaiah 55:6
Sachez que botre peche vous atteindra Be sure your sin will find you out. Num32:23

6-F Jesus Dit: Voici je viens bientot, ma recompense est avec 
moi es-tu pret? Behold I come quickly Rev. 22:12
Jesus Christ est le meme hier aujourd'hui et eternellement.
Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today and forever. Heb. 13:8 


1-S Por Gracia Sois Salvos Por Medio de La Fe...Es don de Dios:
No por obras. For grace are ye saved through faith not of works . Eph. 2:8-9
Cristo Jesus vino al mundo para salvar a los pecadores Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners. I Tim. 1:15

2-S Cristo murio por nuestros pecados Christ Died for our Sins I Cor15:3
Cree en el senor Jesus Cristo, y seras Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved. Acts 16:31

3-S Preparte para encontrarte con tu Dios. Prepare to meet thy God. Amos 4:12
Porque de tal manera amo Dios al mundo, que ha dado a su Hijo
unigenito, para que todo aquel que en el cree, no se pierda, mas tenga vida eterna. For God so loved the world.....John 3:16

Corplast Signs

24'x16' Sign